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Campground Rules


Rules and Regulations-Violators will be asked to leave:


Welcome to KC Campground! To make everyone's stay pleasant, please take a moment to read..


  1. It is your responsibility to make sure that your visitors know to check in at the office and pay a $5.00 (per adult) visitor fee. Visitors must leave by 9:00pm.

  2. Camping is rated based on two adults per campsite. Each additional adult staying in your unit will be charged $5.00 per night.

  3. Parents are responsible for their children at all times. Children must never be left unattended.

  4. We insist on quiet in the campground between 11:00pm and 8:00am. 

  5. Pets MUST be kept on a leash at all times and never left unattended. All Animals droppings must be picked up, wrapped and placed in a container. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! No pets allowed on the beach, in the pond, or in the building. 

  6. Loud, disorderly conduct, or obscene language will not be tolerated. 

  7. No illegal drugs of any kind will be permitted. 

  8. No firearms of any kind will be permitted! 

  9. No Fireworks of any kind except on the 4th of July and only at a predetermined time in designated areas. Violators will be asked to leave. 

  10. Swimming is at your own risk. Swimming hours are from 8:00am to 9:00pm. No food or drink is allowed near the pond. Keep pets out of the pond.

  11. Please help us to maintain the restrooms. Dispose of trash accordingly. Let us know of any conditions requiring our attention. There is to be no washing of dishes or clothing in the restroom. There is a laundry facility in Milan if it is needed.

  12. One picnic table and fire ring per site. 

  13. Put trash in garbage bags and put in designated areas. 

  14. Only two cars per campsite. Any additional cars are to be parked in the designated area. Please do not wash your vehicle or camper at your campsite. 

  15. No unlicensed motorcycles, mini bikes, terrain vehicles or golf carts are allowed in the campground (exception for seasonal campers.)

  16. Do not damage or drive nails into standing trees. Please do not paint, carve or cook on top of picinic tables.

  17. Please do not drain your tanks on the ground. Use the dump station by the shower house. 

  18. Put campfires out before retiring or departing. No glass or metal in fire pits. 

  19. We do allow alcohol, but drink responsibly. Please dispose of beverage containers properly.

Thank you for your continued support of KC Campground.

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© 2022 KC Campground, Milan

14048 Sherman Rd  I  Milan  I   MI  I  48160

Pets Welcome
Pure Water
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